I think one of the biggest questions I get from people is about what nutrition school to attend and how to run a successful private practice business. I thought I would write a blog post first about picking a nutrition school. Also, (and admittedly, a bit selfishly) I see a lot of misinformation out there, especially on Instagram and I wanted to clear some of it up.
Read moreCelery 101 - Should You Be Drinking Celery Juice?
Recently I posted on Instagram a brief statement about wellness goals, beginnings, New Years gym-goers and touched on this celery juice craze started by Anthony William of the Medical Medium. I didn’t think it was anything controversial. In fact, I thought I was basically saying everyone has their own health and wellness journey and we should all honor that because we were (maybe still are) there too. Basically, saying we all have to start somewhere, sometime, right?!?! Oh and please leave me some celery for my salad and such.
Whoa! Let me tell you, I got a lot of comments and interest on the celery juice thing! As I started to write back I got carried away with all the research and realized there’s a very one-sided conversation and information out there, that aren’t all rooted in science.
Read moreProper Hydration - How Much Water Should I Drink Daily?
Hydration is a huge part of successful nutrition and wellness. In fact, it’s even more important than food for your body’s survival! Did you know that you can live without food for approximately a month, but can’t live without water in as little as 2 days? Or that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated?!?! Crazy right?!?! Here’s some more facts, tips and tricks to stay hydrated!
Read moreHoliday Stress, Social Media, the "D" Word + a FREE stress Worksheet [UPDATED]
What's the "D" word you ask? Don't worry, I'll explain in a sec.
But first, something that keeps coming up this time of year (aka the Holidays) that I’d like to address: if the holidays represent a fun and happy time to celebrate and enjoy those we love, why are we so STRESSED?!!?
Read moreThe Sobriety Series: The Benefits of Sobriety
I’ve been having amazing conversations lately! I think whenever you are doing something extraordinary or out of the norm, people are intrigued and that’s when real conversations start to happen, none of that small-talk BS. For awhile after I stopped drinking, I was hesitant or fearful of telling those I was out with that I wasn’t drinking because I didn’t what to make other feel uncomfortable or I wasn’t quite sure what to say. But lately, I have been feeling strong in what I’m doing and welcoming the tough, thoughtful conversations around it. And I’m even getting more positive responses than I once used to. I also I get a lot of people saying that they’ve never gone more than a few days to a month without alcohol, but are curious about living alcohol free. I know it’s a challenge, anytime we change our habits it is uncomfortable. But getting uncomfortable is always where change starts and happens. Jason Reynolds says it best, “Be not afraid of discomfort. If you can't put yourself in a situation where you are uncomfortable, then you will never grow. You will never change. You'll never learn.”
Read moreSeasonal Nutrition & Wellness for Fall
Are you as excited that it’s fall as I am? Don’t get me wrong, I love summer too. Hello?!? You’re talking about a native So. Cal. girl here. But ever since I moved to Colorado over 4 years ago, I’ve really been digging ALL the seasons.
The change in seasons is a great reminder of how life happens in cycles. We can see ebbs and flows in all sizes – daily in our circadian rhythms and the rise and set of the sun and tides, monthly in women’s menstruation and the moon phases and yearly in our change in seasons.
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