I’ve been having amazing conversations lately! I think whenever you are doing something extraordinary or out of the norm, people are intrigued and that’s when real conversations start to happen, none of that small-talk BS. For awhile after I stopped drinking, I was hesitant or fearful of telling those I was out with that I wasn’t drinking because I didn’t what to make other feel uncomfortable or I wasn’t quite sure what to say. But lately, I have been feeling strong in what I’m doing and welcoming the tough, thoughtful conversations around it. And I’m even getting more positive responses than I once used to. I also I get a lot of people saying that they’ve never gone more than a few days to a month without alcohol, but are curious about living alcohol free. I know it’s a challenge, anytime we change our habits it is uncomfortable. But getting uncomfortable is always where change starts and happens. Jason Reynolds says it best, “Be not afraid of discomfort. If you can't put yourself in a situation where you are uncomfortable, then you will never grow. You will never change. You'll never learn.”
Read moreSeasonal Nutrition & Wellness for Fall
Are you as excited that it’s fall as I am? Don’t get me wrong, I love summer too. Hello?!? You’re talking about a native So. Cal. girl here. But ever since I moved to Colorado over 4 years ago, I’ve really been digging ALL the seasons.
The change in seasons is a great reminder of how life happens in cycles. We can see ebbs and flows in all sizes – daily in our circadian rhythms and the rise and set of the sun and tides, monthly in women’s menstruation and the moon phases and yearly in our change in seasons.
Read moreBalancing Hormones Series – Healing Hormonal Acne for Glowy Clear Skin
This is a very personal post for me. This is where huge change started for me and really how I got to where I am now.
I’ve posted the detailed story here and here. But the short version is that back when I was in high school I was put on birth control to help alleviate the debilitating cramps that came with my period plus the teenage acne that embarrassed me so much. About 14 years later, in 2012, I had a steady partner (now husband) and decided to try getting off the only prescription medication I was on, not to get pregnant, but simply because I kept reading more and more how it wasn’t great for women to be on these synthetic hormones and not have a Real monthly cycle. Little did I know what I was in for! All that hormonal acne from my teens came rushing back, along with the total embarrassment and shame. How could I, a seemingly healthy 20-something year old, STILL have a face full of acne!?!?
Read moreFoundations of Nutrition - A Balanced Approach
Sometimes starting is the hardest part. I hear it all the time from my clients. And honestly, I go through it too. For me, I have found that creating a plan and taking that initial baby step forward is the best (and maybe only) way out of this sometimes-paralyzing place. I teach a 2-hour workshop on just this topic. And it’s always one of my favorites. So, I wanted to share today an easy step-by-step plan to building your foundation of nutrition and health.
So often we get caught up in the latest research or article on fish oil supplements, or this mushroom powder, or that one antioxidant rich fruit. It can get overwhelming and disorienting. Where do you start?
Read moreHolistic & Natural Healing for Herpes & Outbreaks
This isn’t going to be the most glamorous or sexy blog post. But it’s one I have been wanting to write for some time now.
I have more clients than you might think that struggle with the herpes virus and outbreak, in one form or another. I too struggle from the occasional outbreak.
According to the World Health Organization, herpes (HSV-1or HSV-2) is a very common in the United States. HSV-1 is generally associated with oral herpes, while HSV-2 associated with genital herpes. However, either strain can affect either area. More than 75% of the US population has HSV-1 and more than 1 out of every 3 or 4 people (20%-30%) have HSV-2. Part of sharing this too, is to take the negative stigma and/or shame away from this condition. You can see how common it is and how many of us struggle with it. Shame and negative feelings will only contribute to outbreaks. So let's get that one out of the way! You're not alone!
Read moreThe Sobriety Series: Thinking About Sobriety and How to Get Started
You may have seen a few of my stories and posts on Instagram lately talking about my recent but long-coming choice to be sober. With all the support and love have also come a lot of questions about it, how I feel, how I made the decision, how I started, etc. So, rather than just leave it on Instagram I thought it might be well time to share some thoughts here on this topic and the beginning stages of thinking about or starting sobriety.
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