Today's Tunes

I wrote 5 pages on my health journey, going WAY back to high school (yeah, it's been a minute). I intended to share it with you today. Unfortunately, I am still working on it. It's just not quite there yet. I will post it next week. Promise. In the meantime, I had to share something that inspired me today. I feel like any day is a great day to share inspiration.

I listen to KCRW a lot.

Like...A. Lot.

Fun Fact: I love them so much when I was living in Santa Monica for 10 years I volunteered answering phones at the bi-annual fundraising drives. Now that I live in Denver, I still get my daily fix, but I definitely miss the community there.

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Herb of the Week #7 :: Nettles

Hi Everyone! Happy February! Can you believe January's already over? How'd all those New Year's Resolutions/goals go this first month of 2017? I hope they all went amazingly and you are off to the best year ever! But, just in case you aren't, cause it happens to a lot of us, just a reminder I put up blog post and a free PDF worksheet last week on getting out of those patterns that aren't serving us anymore and accomplishing out goals. This past month something I have been working on is a better, healthier daily routine. Being a nutritionist can be a lonely job, even though I have a private office surrounded by wonderful women, and work a few days a week in an Apothecary, I do a lot of working from home.and it can be lonely, to say the least. I found myself working in front of the television watching reruns of Seinfeld.  Plus I was waking up and immediately checking email and social media while I drank my coffee. I am still working on the right daily routine and giving myself time to experiment with different things along the way. One thing I actually always do is brew a quart of tea for the day and drink that after my one (ok maybe sometimes 2 cups of coffee). And This weeks’ herb is a must-have in my and really anyone’s daily routine: Nettles

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Herb/Plant of the Week #5 :: Passionflower

It’s HEEEERE...Christmas week. Whether you celebrate it or not, I think we can all agree it’s a crazy week. Lots of traffic on the road. People last minute shopping. Packed parking lots. Just to name a few. So this herb, comes on a perfect week. This week we are looking at a calming and relaxing herb: Passionflower

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Herb of the Week #4 :: Hops

The holidays are here, the snow is falling today and it’s getting very close to the 25th! I can only assume this means a little more activity in your day and maybe a little more stress in your life? I know I am running around a little more than normal, also why I am posting this on a Friday and not mid-week, like usual. So this week I thought a great calming herb was in order. This week we are looking at a very relaxing herb: Hops

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