Listen & Wear

I love the idea of incorporating some fashion/beauty into my blog. And I love music so much I thought I would mash the two up together, music I love into a fabulous outfit. If it's a hit I might even start doing it somewhat regularly, you just never know... Go listen to the entire album here.

Lucky Fashion Inspired

I have been watching and listening to the Lucky FABB panels online all day (it's not over yet, so tune in!). It's been super inspiring and tres tres helpful. And the last panel with Elizabeth Banks really inspired me, and I had no idea her website was so amazing, wonderfully designed and contained such great content. Elizabeth mentioned that one of the trends she loves right now was all over prints, and I couldn't agree more. So, I thought in honor of her and Spring (please sun come out soon, it's not supposed to be June Gloom time yet) I would do a little tribute fashion post.
