BluePrint Cleanse Review

I promised this post a long time ago, and I have been so bad at blogging this month. The reason, I must confess is that I am moving for the first time in 3 years. Which is the longest I have ever stayed in any one apartment since I moved to LA, 7 years ago. Needless to day I have ALOT of stuff to get rid off and pack. Anyhoo... in the previous post I think I mentioned my frustration with starting the Blue Print Cleanse. Once I started the cleanse I was so happy. I was actually never hungry during the cleanse. There was a brief moment in between juice 3, 4 and 5 of the first day where I thought I was hungry. Key word here, "thought". But it turned out to be more the not chewing thing and more a general getting used to that much fluids in my body and things flushing out.

I had one major problem with the cleanse. If you read my blog regularly, you know I am a avid runner and in general passionate athlete. In June I just finished my 3rd marathon. So, I am used to running 4-6 days a week, pretty hard. So, I decided to keep going with it while I was on the cleanse. I had read a few other reviews from other bloggers about having plenty of energy on this cleanse. I went out on my regular 5 mile lunch run. I felt good until about mile 3. Then I hit a wall. A big Army sized wall. I was a bit dizzy and nauseous. So I walked a bit, but since I had to get back to work, I forced the rest of it running. It was not fun, to say the least.

Other than the exercise mishap, the first day was not bad at all. I would say more preferable to the "pre-cleanse diet". But definitely not enough energy for me to sustain the high level of energy I need daily to do my runs, so, I stuck to walks the rest of the two days.

The second day was pretty easy. I knew what to do and how to do it. No surprises here. I was never hungry, which I was pleasantly surprised by and didn't really miss anything but my evening glass (or two) of wine. I think I found for me this cleanse was more a mental challenge than anything else. When you go home and your boyfriend is onto his second helping of pasta, you want to cry (or kill him).

The third day I was just happy to have arrive. Knowing the cleanse would be over in less than 24 hours. Although the juices are good, some are a little too sweet for me. I definitely missed my salt fix. Mmmmmmm…. SALT.

And the next day or two coming of the cleanse were again hard. No salad dressing, raw veggies, not really my thing. Though fruit I could eat all day long. It's a weird thing to say, but during the cleanse I felt a little suffocated, or claustrophobic. I missed making decisions myself and the freedom to choice how I wanted to be healthy. But I paid for this cleanse and I was determined to successfully complete it.

Although I will probably never do it again, it did get me thinking about being on the right track, how much I eat and what. Overall, if you are going to do a cleanse, I would recommend this one.

Have you ever done a cleanse? If so, which one? Would you recommend any?