Let's talk about balance.
It's something that many want and yet feel like it evades them.
In nutrition school they taught us about the "wellness wheel". I love it. I use it often a a guide not just with clients throughout the year, but also as a guide for me around new years time to check-in on what is going well, but also what needs attention.
But in one of my graduate school courses, I heard Dr. Lissa Rankin talk about a new model - the Whole Health Carin.
The One More or 1% Principle
I took yesterday off, like off, off. It was nice. We walked all around, made dinner and read a book for pleasure. Then I started to feel guilty. I remembered I hadn't replied to that email, checked off things on the to do list, and you know all those other things piling up in my head. But you know what?! I hadn't taken a full day off, in a long, long time. Sometimes, it’s hard when you work for yourself, there’s always something to do and no one else to do it. But I went with it.
This made me think about when we are out of routine or get "off track.” Sometimes that all-of-nothing mentality tends to this "screw-it-hands-in-the-air-F-it” attitude. And this can be lead to some unwanted side effects.
What are your cravings telling you?
One of the most common things clients come to me with questions about is cravings.
We all have cravings. It's not about ignoring them or repressing them. It's not about judging them. Like so much in life, it about getting curious and then it's about listening.
There are cravings for sweets, coffee, wine, potato chips, popcorn, chocolate, cookies, donuts, insert your choice here. So, what do you do when those cravings, emotional or otherwise, sneaks up on ya?
Sleep 101
To tell you sleep is important is the understatement of the century, if you ask me. And I know it's no big news to you.
Most of us know we should get 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night. BUT... if I told you all the ways sleep is important you might be surprised.
Calculate How Much Protein You Really Need
The word protein is derived from the Greek word protos, meaning "first". So you can see how important it is!
Protein is one of our three macronutrients. Macronutrients is just a fancy word for nutrients we need in large quantities. All our food is made up of one or all three of the macronutrients - carbohydrates, fat and protein. All three are important!
Now, most people know protein is important. But do you REALLY know why? Here's a few of the top reasons…
The Missing Key to your Health & Wellness: Sleep
To tell you sleep is important is the understatement of the century, if you ask me. And I know it's no big news to you.
Most of us know we should get 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night. BUT... if I told you all the ways sleep is important you might be surprised.
Here's the top 10 Reasons Sleep is crucial to our health and wellbeing…