Ok, now, I'm back. For Real.

Anyone who has ever said blogging is easy couldn't be any further from the truth. I have had a stressful couple of weeks. And things are finally feeling like they will get back on track this week. I thought I would start with a recap on what I have been up to.

A month ago I officially started freelancing as a graphic/web designer. Talk about difficult. It's great in some many ways, and I have never been happier. But when life calls, aka family emergencies, it's a lot easier to tell your employer hey I am taking a few days off. Rather than to try to fit a trip from one coast to another while trying to maintain a full freelance schedule. In other words, that means you will be working weekends and most likely will not get a full day off.

1.Said goodbye to being someone' employee.

2. Said hello to new clients

3. Ate a real Maine "Lob-stah" in New Hampshire

4. Visited the boyfriends's hometown

5. Three days later visited my hometown, Palm Springs then out through Idyllwild

It was not the ideal start to my freelance career, but nonetheless I was super busy and that my friends is Never a bad thing.

So now I have a huge laundry list of things I need and want to get done this week and for the rest of the year. It's a lot and I really hope to push through it. I have a great feeling it will be a really rewarding year.

Happy Monday!

Presto Pesto

The Kinfolk publication is no longer a secret gem. But what maybe be still it's best kept secret is how gorgeous all the videos they do for it as well. Talk about food porn! Now, you may know I have been on a bit of a detox diet of late (and have successfully already lost about 3 pounds! Yey!). And as such have been staying away from white starches and such. But this viedo by the people at Kinfolk on the Art of Pesto is just to good to not share. It might jsut be the first thing I try when I start eating normal again!

Enjoy and happy weekend!

the 13th of Friday

It's the first Friday the 13th of 2012. Is it's supposed to be a lucky day or frightening? I admit, it started a bit scary for me this morning stepping on the scale for the first time this year... and I did that even BEFORE I even remembered it was Friday the 13th. So, it all makes sense now. Ha!

Anyhow, I am not going to beat myself up about the numbers that I saw. I am just going to make a change. Eating consciously and tracking my calorie intake and exercising at least 6 days a week (thought I really love sweating, it's the eating part that I have the hardest part with).

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